2023 Travel Goals
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Hello 2023✨

Happy New Year!!

After the success of last year's travel goals and somehow managing to travel to 7 countries in a year, I am entering 2023 feeling positive that I will reach my goal of visiting 30 countries before 30. Therefore, I am now looking at the bigger picture and my following 'mission', which is to travel to 40 countries before 40. Please be assured that I am still keeping a realist mindset and I am very aware that plans can change/things can happen to delay goals, so don't worry I am still focusing on my 30 before 30 goal which I CANNOT WAIT to complete!!

With 27 countries under my belt and being 27 (very almost 28) years old, I am aware that this is still a challenging task and in order to complete these missions, I need to put a lot more research into places to visit. I would eventually love to take some time away from my job to travel and visit the beautiful countries in South America, which have been on my list for some time. However, this dream is not plausible at the moment, so instead I am working my way through European countries which, being from the UK, do not come with a hefty price tag.

After thoroughly enjoying my trip to Vienna and Bratislava in 2022, this year I am hoping to complete more city breaks with my first trip of the year already booked. I am planning to spend my 28th birthday in Bulgaria. If all goes to plan, this will be my 28th country which is extremely exciting!! I will be in Sofia, Bulgaria for 2 nights and best believe that you can expect the blog post when I am back 😀

Last year I also learnt the benefit of researching locations that are easily accessible to cities in other countries, which is what I plan to utilise this year. Annoyingly, I have already visited a lot of countries where this would have been ideal but I am still on the lookout, so if anybody has any ideas or tips, please let me know.

Similar to this, after falling in love with Montenegro last year, I would love to visit more Balkan countries. Albania and Bosnia and Herzigovina are currently high on my list of countries to visit. If you would like a reminder of why Montenegro is my favourite visited country so far and why this has heightened my desire to visit neighbouring countries, I will leave you with a few stunning pictures from my time in Montenegro below.

I also have big plans for this blog this year and am planning to be more consistent with my posting. Therefore you can look forward to receiving one post a week this year with the occasional surprise thrown in! Please also check out my TikTok page (@travel_missions) where I am much more active.

Let me know what's on your travel list for 2023. Wishing you all a wonderful year✨

Montenegro - September 2022

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