Visited European countries
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Visited European countries

Updated: May 17, 2023

I am well on my way to visit 30 countries before I turn 30 and being from the UK, the majority of these have been within Europe due to the ease of travelling and the low cost that comes with flights and other transportation. I have visited just over half of Europe and I don't plan on slowing down anytime soon with 40 countries before 40 being on the horizon!

Below is a map of everywhere that I have currently travelled to within Europe.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my travels so far and I feel like I'm only just getting started! I love creating interactive maps of where I have visited within the world and seeing the progress as my once dreamed about countries turn to green, to show that I have been fortunate enough to visit them. Anybody who knows me, knows that I am obsessed with travel scratch maps and these have influenced a lot of my travel decisions. As you can see from the above map, there are a lot of gaps within the map, which heightens my desire to turn these from grey to green.

The smaller countries are particularly frustrating for me because countries like Andorra, San Marino and Vatican City are an obvious eye-sore which I am hoping to turn green soon! I wish that I had started using these maps earlier on within my travel journey because from my recent experience, it is clear that I could have checked a lot of the smaller countries off within my travels to nearby countries/cities. Oh well, I know now and I have become more proficient in travelling and finding the best transport options to travel to multiple countries in one trip. Therefore, make sure to keep an eye out for my updates and by the end of these missions I am hoping that some of those gaps would have been filled 🤞

You can find my European Wishlist below for places that I am hoping to visit to within my next travel mission to help fill out the map.

European Country Wishlist:

Albania, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Malta, San Marino, Sweden, Switzerland, Vatican City

Let me know what your travel maps look like and which countries are on your future travel plans.

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